Instead of an introduction

Task: To create a source of information that will allow researchers to gain a fundamental understanding of the basics of any physical phenomena.

This book on the concept should not have an introduction. But to explain what's what, and why this book is exactly like that, I'll try to briefly outline the essence, using several, as it seems to me, brilliant quotes from famous people.

«The individual member of the social community often receives his information via visual, symbolic channels.» I went back and forth over it, and translated. You know what it means? «People read.»
Richard Feynman

Indeed, even an obvious everyday phenomenon can be stated in such a way that it will cause difficulties for understanding.

«If you can't explain something to a first year student, then you haven't really understood.»
Richard Feynman

And again we are talking about the ability to understand and explain phenomena. A person who has properly realized what is happening will always have a lot of analogies to convey his idea.

«I have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined, and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road.»
Stephen Hawking

You can be infinitely confident in something and build all sorts of hypotheses. But when we are dealing with reality, we always encounter specific mechanisms of operation of certain phenomena. Every action has a reason that prompted it.

«The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly.»
Nikola Tesla

In the process of scientific activity, it is important to maintain sanity. It is necessary to remember about the limits of applicability of certain theories. It is impossible to extend private conclusions to the whole world and operate indefinitely with abstract concepts.

«Every great scientific truth goes through three stages. First, people say it conflicts with the Bible. Next they say it had been discovered before. Lastly they say they always believed it.»
Louis Agassiz

In the modern world, the role of the Bible, which may contradict any scientific discovery, can be played by established scientific views. It is not surprising that the new idea contradicts them. The decisive and most striking periods of the development of physics are periods of great generalizations, when phenomena that seemed disconnected suddenly become only different aspects of the same process. The history of physics is the history of such generalizations.

So, this book will be an attempt to summarize all modern physics as succinctly and concisely as possible within the framework of ideas understandable to the average person, to find such mechanisms that consistently connect all known physical phenomena, to set tasks for the further development of science and technology.

A special contribution to the writing of this book, albeit indirectly, was made by people who analyzed an incredibly large number of experimental data and theoretical calculations, obtaining outstanding results. Vladimir Akimovich Atsyukovsky has developed a strict scientific methodology, within which the general theory presented in this book is built. Yuri Vasilyevich Burtaev created a consistent concept of the structure of elementary particles and atomic nuclei. Vladimir Lvovich Bychkov and Fyodor Sergeyevich Zaitsev have prepared an extremely detailed mathematical model of the mechanics of the ether. Vladimir Vasilyevich Nizovtsev described cosmological processes qualitatively and extremely realistically. I propose to combine the works of these and many other outstanding scientists within the framework of a single approach, as well as add my own developments.

Each chapter will set a fundamental task that needs to be solved. And the text of the chapter itself will be a solution to the task at hand or a proposal of such a path that can most likely serve as a basis for a solution.
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